2010 DCA World Championships Prelims

Rochester, NY
September 4, 2010

Open Class
 1. Reading Buccaneers     97.500
 2. Minnesota Brass        96.375
 3. Empire Statesmen       96.175
 4. Connecticut Hurricanes 94.350
 5. Hawthorne Caballeros   93.713
 6. Kidsgrove Scouts       89.238
 7. Alliance               89.113
 8. Renegades              87.238
 9. Corpsvets              87.188
10. Bushwackers            86.513
11. Kilties                83.163

Class A
 1. Fusion Core            82.188
 2. Carolina Gold          82.050
 3. Grenadiers             82.038
 4. Govenaires             81.013
 5. Vigilanties            78.413
 6. Sun Devils             78.075
 7. SoCal Dream            74.425
 8. White Sabers           73.425
 9. High Country Brass     69.263
10. Cincinnati Tradition   67.675
11. Shenandoah Sound       65.900
12. Excelsior              63.750

2010 DCI World Championship World Class Finals

Indianapolis, IN
August 14, 2010

 1. Blue Devils          98.900
 2. Cavaliers            97.750
 3. Bluecoats            96.400
 4. Carolina Crown       95.950
 5. Cadets               95.100
 6. Phantom Regiment     93.150
 7. Santa Clara Vanguard 92.000
 8. Blue Stars           91.900
 9. Boston Crusaders     89.350
10. Madison Scouts       88.950
11. Blue Knights         87.100
12. Glassmen             85.800

2010 DCI World Championship World Class Semifinals

Indianapolis, IN
August 13, 2010

 1. Blue Devils          98.050
 2. Cavaliers            97.250
 3. Bluecoats            96.500
 4. Carolina Crown       95.350
 5. Cadets               94.850
 6. Phantom Regiment     92.950
 7. Santa Clara Vanguard 92.450
 8. Blue Stars           92.050
 9. Boston Crusaders     89.600
10. Madison Scouts       89.200
11. Blue Knights         87.850
12. Glassmen             86.500
13. Colts                84.650
14. Academy              84.050
15. Troopers             83.350
16. Spirit               81.450
17. Crossmen             80.900

2010 DCI World Championship Open Class Semifinals

Michigan City, IN
August 13, 2010

 1. Blue Devils B    96.400
 2. Oregon Crusaders 92.750
 3. Spartans         90.300
 4. Revolution       88.050
 5. Music City       86.400
 6. Raiders          86.000
 7. Legends          85.250
 8. 7th Regiment     84.600
 9. Genesis          82.000
10. Forte            81.700
11. Colt Cadets      81.550
12. Velvet Knights   76.650
13. Racine Scouts    74.500
14. Les Stentors     72.500
15. Stragnas         70.600
16. Blue Saints      59.400

2010 DCI World Championship World Class Quarterfinals

Indianapolis, IN
August 12, 2010

 1. Blue Devils          97.900
 2. Cavaliers            96.550
 3. Bluecoats            96.250
 4. Carolina Crown       94.850
 5. Cadets               94.450
 6. Phantom Regiment     92.350
 7. Santa Clara Vanguard 91.900
 8. Blue Stars           91.650
 9. Boston Crusaders     89.650
10. Madison Scouts       89.150
11. Blue Knights         88.400
12. Glassmen             87.150
13. Colts                84.700
14. Academy              84.250
15. Troopers             84.200
16. Spirit               82.850
17. Crossmen             80.800
18. Pacific Crest        80.350
19. Mandarins            78.100
20. Teal Sound           77.800
21. Jersey Surf          75.700
22. Cascades             74.600
23. Pioneer              73.950

2010 DCI World Championship Open Class Quarterfinals

Michigan City, IN
August 10, 2010

 1. Blue Devils B    95.800
 2. Oregon Crusaders 91.000
 3. Spartans         89.750
 4. Revolution       88.350
 5. Raiders          87.400
 6. 7th Regiment     85.450
 7. Music City       84.550
 8. Legends          84.200
 9. Colt Cadets      81.550
10. Genesis          80.850
10. Forte            80.850
12. Velvet Knights   75.850
13. Racine Scouts    73.350
14. Les Stentors     72.500
15. Stragnas         72.200
16. Blue Saints      59.050

Top 10 Drum Corps Performances

According to Time:

  1. Spirit of Atlanta: 1980
  2. Madison Scouts, ‘A Drum-Corps Fan’s Dream’: 1995
  3. Cavaliers, ‘Niagara Falls’: 2000
  4. Holy Name Cadets, ‘We Are the Future’: 2000
  5. Santa Clara Vanguard, ‘Scheherazade’: 2004
  6. Carolina Crown, ‘Triple Crown’: 2007
  7. Bluecoats, ‘Criminal’: 2007
  8. Phantom Regiment, ‘On Air’: 2007
  9. Blue Devils, ‘Winged Victory’: 2007
  10. Phantom Regiment, ‘Spartacus’: 2008

Bah! Only one show from the 80’s, none from the 70’s or the 60’s. Some of the shows on Time‘s list were actually pretty forgettable…

2009 DCA World Championships Finals

Rochester, NY
September 6, 2009

Open Class
 1  Reading Buccaneers     99.025
 2  Minnesota Brass        97.588
 3  Empire Statesmen       96.200
 4  Connecticut Hurricanes 95.838
 5  Hawthorne Caballeros   94.238
 6  Renegades              90.463
 7  Syracuse Brigadiers    89.225
 8  Alliance               89.138
 9  Bushwackers            88.963
10  Corpsvets              83.750

Class A
 1  Govenaires             82.400
 2  Grenadiers             80.425
 3  Vigilantes             76.338
 4  Carolina Gold          76.063

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